In Europe, GDPR came into force in May 2018, creating a specific framework to deal with targeted advertising. GDPR makes it more expensive to obtain opted-in third-party datasets and puts legal constraints on the collection of users’ consent. By complying with GDPR, TV operators agree that they will obtain permission from viewers to use their data. It also gives viewers the power to access, delete and stop sharing data.
Giving viewers more control over their data can actually benefit TV operators. It establishes trust between viewers and the TV operator. Additionally, it makes viewers more apt to watch ads. When someone watches an ad that they know is based on a respectful use of their data, their acceptance level of the ad increases.
Beyond regulatory challenges, there are business and technical challenges involved with collecting and analyzing television viewer data. TV operators have to make sure the targeted ad is relevant. This can be achieved by accurately collecting, analyzing, and match profiling viewer data. Operators can either collect viewer data themselves or from third parties. When collecting data internally, operators need to make sure the data collected is very high quality and accurate.
Operators can gain better insights by using artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies.
Working with Castoola
Analyzing the inventory
potential and defining the
business model
Planning and
executing the
technical integration
with third party
Deploying the
Adressable TV